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Accessing JSON as a Javascript object

You can assign a JSON object to a javascript variable directly. Consider the following example:
<meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="content-type">
<script type="application/javascript">
function bookStore()
var products={"Book":[{
"title": "Undestanding Jason",
"Author": "Isabelle",
"Price": 50,
"Discount": 5
"title": "Undestanding C++",
"Author": "Bells",
"Price": 150,
"Discount": 15
"title": "Undestanding HTML5",
"Price": 60,
"Discount": 7
"title": "Undestanding Javascript",
"Price": 100,
"Discount": 5

var tmp='';
for (var i=0; i<products.Book.length; i++)
<title>JSON - Accessing from Javascript</title>
<body onload="bookStore();">
<div id="list"></div>

In the above example, the code in red is a JSON object that is assigned directly to the javascript variable products. Let's examine the JSON object in more detail:

"Title": "Undestanding JSON",
"Author": "Isabelle",
"Price": 50,
"Discount": 5
"Title": "Undestanding C++",
"Author": "Solomon",
"Price": 150,
"Discount": 15
"Title": "Undestanding HTML5",
"Price": 60,
"Discount": 7
"Title": "Undestanding Javascript",
"Price": 100,
"Discount": 5

In the above data structure, Book and DVD are two single-dimensional arrays. Book contains two array values. Each array value is an object with 4 members: Title, Author, Price and Discount. The array DVD also contains two values. Each array value is an object with 3 members: Title, Price and Discount. The data structure is assigned to the variable 'products'. Graphically, the datastructure looks as follows:

JSON Datastructure

You can now access any member from the data structure just as you would a javascript object. For example. if you want to know the title of the first book, you can use products.Book[0].Title. To access the discount on the 'understanding HTML5' DVD, you can use products.DVD[0].Discount. The number of books can be accessed using products.Book.length

In our example, we are adding some HTML tags to the JSON data object members and displaying them inside a div tag.

var tmp='';
for (var i=0; i<products.Book.length; i++)

<title>JSON - Accessing from Javascript</title>


<body onload="bookStore();">
<div id="list"></div>

To try out the example on this page, copy the code as is and paste it into a text editor like notepad. Save the file with the extension .htm. When you open the file from your browser, you should see the following output.


Understanding JSON

Understanding C++