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What is node.js?

Node.js is a server-side javascript interpreter. Since javascript is already used for client-side scripting, switching contexts between client and server is easy for developers.

Ofcourse, there is more to node.js than just the server-side javascript label.  Another major attraction of node.js is that it allows event driven programming, making it suitable for building high-performance, scalable network systems

Non-blocking I/O and event driven programming

One of the major disadvantages to thread-based programming is that I/O operations block the calling thread. This means, any time there is an Input/Output operation such as writing to disk, reading from disk, waiting for user input, querying the database, and such, the calling thread waits and will not do anything in the meantime.

To provide a simple analogy, assume you have the following tasks to do:

1. Write a letter to grandma who has no phone or Internet access
2. Bake Chicken
3. Sort your bills

You begin with writing a letter to grandma. But half way through, you realize you are out of ink. So you send somebody out to buy you ink and in the meantime, you wait. When the ink arrives, you finish your letter and then begin baking the chicken. But you again wait because baking takes time. When the chicken is done, you start sorting out your bills. See how inefficient the whole model is? This is what happens when you are building a thread-based system. Ofcourse, you could speed up the process if you can get help from two other people to bake the chicken and sort the bills simultaneously. But now you are spending more resources.

This is where event-driven programming comes in. In this model, you would begin writing the letter. When you run out of ink, you send somebody to buy ink. Meanwhile, you don't sit around biting your nails. Instead, you put the chicken in the oven and set the timer. Again, you don't wait. You begin sorting the bills.  If you are interrupted by either the ink arriving or the oven timer ringing, then you attend to those specific events by continuing the unfinished letter or taking out the chicken from the oven respectively. Otherwise, you continue to sort the bills until that task is completed.

Clearly, the event-based model wins in terms of speed and resource requirements. So if you are building servers that lean heavily on I/O operations, node.js, with its event-driven asynchronous programming capabilities is particularly endearing.

Node.js allows you to do event-driven asynchronous programming easily, which makes it particularly endearing for building high-performance scalable network systems!

Until recently, traditional servers including webservers like apache and IIS have been following a thread-based model. To achieve scalability, network programmers had to rely on multi-threading, making both development and debugging complicated. But with the advent of node.js, both these tasks have been vastly simplified, paving the way for building scalable networks with minimal code and maximum stability.

So if you are building servers that lean heavily on I/O operations, node.js is the way to go.